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Calm is not stillness.

Calma no es quietud.

People call me pote, I do computer programming for a living which has led me to work with an interesting spectrum of companies from startups like CloudApp and Marqeta to giants like Apple, you can read more about that in my not-a-resume page.

I like to code outside of work, when the results are not not entirely embarrassing I'll publish them on my github page. Conferences are another way I push myself to keep learning and meet cool people: some of them have even let me get up there and do my own talks.

Me dicen pote, pago las cuentas haciendo software, podes leer más sobre eso en mi no-curriculum (en inglés), si te interesan esas cosas, también podes ir a mi mi perfil de github, o ver algunas de mis charlas en conferencias de software.

También me podes encontrar en twitter
